Friday, October 30, 2009

Biology Exam

So, last night, I had my first freak out. There was a biology exam today, and I felt totally unprepared. The class goes over a large amount of information in a very short amount of time. I felt that while I understood the material, I couldn't get it to stay in my head. I became incredibly anxious and worried about the test. I felt that I was stupid, and that I shouldn't feel so overwhelmed. I put my self down a lot. But then I talked to Kailtyn and then Flor, and they made me feel a lot better. College is hard, and I am going to have more freak outs, but they will always pass. I guess I just thought that it would happen later if at all. I can't wait till next term when I can take, if I don't get closed out of the classes, Intro to Gender and Women's Studies, Intro to Non-Fiction Writing, and Mathematical Ideas (to get one of my requirements for graduation out of the way). Tomorrow is Halloween and I am really really excited. I love getting dressed up. Its weird to think that fall term is almost over, and soon it will be winter break, then thanksgiving, then christmas, then 2010. Its very very strange how time goes by so fast. Soon I will be 20, and that mean my teen years will be over. I don't think I will feel any different, but when I think about it, I am very different from the person I was at age 16 or 17 or even 18. My life is changing really fast and I am growing up and coming to a new part of my life really fast and some times its a little to much. But I am also excited as hell and can't wait to see what happens next.

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